About Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan is a mysterious country of the East, where the history of cities gathered in legends, where the sun shines all year round and this reflects the unique nature and beautiful hearts of people. The most famous and ancient cities of the country are Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva and Tashkent.

The official name of the country is the Republic of Uzbekistan and it is in Central Asia. According to natural and geographical conditions Uzbekistan is one of the most favorable regions in Central Asia. The territory of Uzbekistan is a peculiar combination of plains and mountain terrain. Most of the territory of Uzbekistan is occupied by plains (about four-fifths of the territory). One of the main is Turanian plain. The east and northeast of the country are situated spurs of the Tien Shan and the Pamir mountains, here is the highest point in the country (4643 m). In the north central part of the territory of Uzbekistan is one of the largest deserts in the world - the Kyzyl Kum, west - the Karakum.

The mountains and foothills are about 1/5 part of the country. The east of the country is dominated by middle and high landforms. within the republic. Within the territory of the country there are the slopes or the closure of the West Tien Shan (Ugam, Pskem, Chatkalskiy, Kurama) and the Pamir-Alai (Zeravshan, Turkestan, Hissar, Kugitangtau Baysuntau). To the south and west, they gradually fall and into the plains. Stretch between mountains large cavities: Kashkadarya, Surkhandarya, Zarafshan, Samarkand are located. The largest intermountain trough - Ferghana hollow (valley) - lenght 370 kilometers and width up to 190 kilometers. On three sides of it are surrounded by the mountain ranges and is opened only from the west.

The Uzbek people is one of the oldest nations in the world and has almost 3000 year old history of statehood. Archaeological finds in the territories monuments Selengur, Kulbulak Teshiktash and prove that the first human settlement on the territory of Uzbekistan were more 1-1.2 million years ago.

Ancient Khorezm and Bactria are early states on the territory of Uzbekistan, during the formation of which is accounted for VIII-VII centuries B.C. Monuments Afrasiyab, Kuzalikir, Uzunkir, Yerkurgan can serve as an example of urban culture. One of the monotheistic religions - Zoroastrianism originated in the territory of Uzbekistan. Avesta - the holy book of Zoroastrianism is the spiritual heritage of the Uzbek people.

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Tashkent modern
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Tashkent modern
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Tashkent old
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Shakhrisabz Gumbazi-Seyidon
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Chartak region
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Mizdahkan Necropolis
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Mizdahkan-World (Apocalypse) Clock
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Gur-Amir Mausoleum (Samarkand)
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Dome mosque (Samarkand)
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Samarkand old
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St Daniil mausoleum (near Samarkand)
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Bukhara city
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Ark fortress (Bukhara city)
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Aksai-Hazrat Daoud (St. David) cave
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Aksai, near Samarkand
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Chimgan mountaines
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Charvak lake
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Hissar State reserve
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Nature of Uzbekistan
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Nature of Uzbekistan